Zip Code:

95620, Dixon, CA

95620 is a California Zip code within the city of Dixon and the county of Solano County. Its population is roughly 21,954.

The Real Estate Market in the 95620 Zip Code of Dixon, CA

The zip code 95620 in Dixon, California has a median home value of $209,000 and a median home equity of $128,000. These numbers are significantly higher than the statewide median home value of $177,500 and statewide median home equity of $101,200. The Dixon area is also considerably wealthier than the state as a whole. The zip code has a poverty rate of 3.1%, which is lower than the statewide poverty rate of 12.7%.

One reason for this disparity in wealth may be the high level of education attainment in the Dixon area. More than half (54%) of residents over 25 years old have at least a bachelor's degree, which is much higher than the 30% statewide average and well above the national average of 27%. This level of education attainment may help to explain why homes in the Dixon area are more expensive on average than homes elsewhere in California.

Another factor that may contribute to high home values in Dixon is its relatively low population density. There are only 2,812 people per square mile in the zip code compared to 3,594 people per square mile statewide and 4,577 people per square mile nationwide. This low population density may allow for more land to be used for housing development and thus increase property values.

Price Index: Vallejo, CA

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