Zip Code:

95912, Arbuckle, CA

95912 is a California Zip code within the city of Arbuckle and the county of Colusa. Its population is roughly 5,380.

Real Estate in the 95912 Zip Code of Arbuckle, CA

The 95912 zip code of Arbuckle, CA has a median home value of $269,000 and a median home equity value of $141,000. These values are higher than the California statewide median home value of $217,500 and the national median home equity value of $179,700.

The high home values in the 95912 zip code may be due to its location in a desirable area. The zip code includes parts of both San Bernardino County and Riverside County, which have consistently ranked as some of the most prosperous counties in America. Additionally, Arbuckle is located within close proximity to major cities such as Los Angeles and Riverside. These factors may contribute to the high home values in this area.

Despite the high values, there is still room for growth in the 95912 zip code. The average sale price for homes in this area was only $269K during 2017 which indicates that there is still potential for more buyers to enter the market and drive up prices even further. Additionally, with interest rates at historic lows, homeowners may be able to refinance their homes at lower rates and continue enjoying their elevated property values.

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