Zip Code:

95950, Grimes, CA

95950 is a California Zip code within the city of Grimes and the county of Colusa. Its population is roughly 350.

The Real Estate Market in Grimes, CA

The Grimes, CA 95950 zip code has a median home value of $236,000 and a median home equity of $101,000. This means that approximately 44% of homes in the zip code have more equity than the original purchase price. Additionally, the average home value growth rate for this zip code over the past five years has been 5%. This indicates that there is strong demand for housing in this area and that prices are likely to continue to rise.

Given these factors, it is not surprising that homeownership rates in this zip code are high at 73%. Additionally, there is a significant amount of available housing stock in this area – only 4% of homes are occupied by renters. This suggests that there is plenty of room for people to buy homes in Grimes, CA if they want to.

Overall, it appears that homeownership rates and home values are both on the rise in the Grimes, CA 95950 zip code. This indicates that there is good potential for long-term financial stability and growth for residents here.

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