Zip Code:

96009, Bieber, CA

96009 is a California Zip code within the city of Bieber and the county of Lassen County. Its population is roughly 321.

The Real Estate Market in the 96009 Zip Code of Bieber, CA

The 96009 zip code of Bieber, California has a population of around 36,000 people. The median household income in this zip code is $118,000 which is significantly higher than the national median household income of $59,039. This high median income likely reflects the affluent nature of this area. Home prices in this zip code are also quite high. As of March 2017, the average home price in this zip code was $527,500. This is significantly higher than the national average home price of $217,500 and indicates that there is a lot of demand for homes in this area.

One reason that home prices are so high in the 96009 zip code is that there are a lot of wealthy people living here. The percentage of households earning over $200,000 per year is above the national average and there are a lot of luxury homes available for sale. Additionally, many people who live in this area commute to work downtown which means that they can afford to buy a home even if their salary isn't very high.

Despite these factors, not everyone who lives in the 96009 zip code can afford to buy a home. There are a number of restrictions on how much money you can make and still purchase a home here (for example, you must have at least 3% equity in your home). Additionally, there is an acute shortage of housing units available for sale which means that even if you can afford to buy a house it may not be available when you want it to be.

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