Zip Code:

96023, Dorris, CA

96023 is a California Zip code within the city of Dorris and the county of Siskiyou. Its population is roughly 1,184.

The Real Estate Market in the 96023 Zip Code of Dorris, CA

The 96023 zip code of Dorris, CA has a median home value of $236,000 and a median home equity value of $142,000. The 96023 zip code is located in the Inland Empire region of Southern California. The Inland Empire region is one of the most rapidly growing regions in the United States and has seen significant growth over the past several years. This growth has led to increased demand for housing and increased prices for homes.

The 96023 zip code is located in an area that has seen significant growth over the past several years. Between 2010 and 2016, the population of the 96023 zip code grew by 25%. During this same time period, the population of Dorris grew by 27%. This growth has led to increased demand for housing and increased prices for homes.

In addition to population growth, there have been other factors that have contributed to increases in home values in the 96023 zip code. One factor that has played a role is inflationary pressure on prices across all markets throughout America. Another factor that has played a role is increasing demand from people who are looking to buy homes due to strong economic conditions and an improving job market. Finally, there are also a number of factors specific to Dorris that have contributed to increases in home values here: strong economy, low unemployment rate, proximity to major metropolitan areas (Los Angeles and Riverside), etc..

As you can see from data above, there are many reasons why home values have increased significantly in the 96023 zip code over recent years. While it's important not to get too carried away with these trends (especially given current market conditions), it's clear that homeownership opportunities within this area are very good right now – especially if you're able to afford a median price property!

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