Zip Code:

96024, Douglas City, CA

96024 is a California Zip code within the city of Douglas City and the county of Trinity. Its population is roughly 846.

Douglas City, CA: A Place to Call Home

Douglas City, CA 96024 is located in the Central Valley and has a population of just over 10,000. The median home value in Douglas City is $236,500 which is significantly lower than the statewide median home value of $578,500. The 96024 zip code also has a low homeownership rate of just over 50%.

One reason for the low home values in Douglas City may be due to its relatively young population. The 96024 zip code was only established in 2000 and has seen little growth since then. Additionally, many homes in Douglas City are owned by investors who are looking to make a quick profit rather than long-term residents. This lack of stability may lead to increased prices as more people want to buy into the area.

Despite the low home values, there are still some good opportunities for buyers in Douglas City. The area is growing rapidly and new development is being built all the time. Additionally, many homes that are currently for sale have been reduced in price recently due to market conditions or have expired listings. If you're looking for an affordable place to live with good potential for growth, then Douglas City may be a good option for you!

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