Zip Code:

96051, Lakehead, CA

96051 is a California Zip code within the city of Lakehead and the county of Shasta County. Its population is roughly 1,358.

The Real Estate Market in the 96051 Zip Code of Lakehead, CA

Lakehead is located in the 96051 zip code in eastern Shasta County, California. The 96051 zip code has a population of approximately 9,000 people. Home prices in the 96051 zip code have increased significantly over the past few years, and home equity is now a major factor in many people's lives.

According to Zillow, the median home value in the 96051 zip code was $269,900 as of September 2017. This represents an increase of almost 50% from the median home value of $158,600 recorded in September 2016. The average price per square foot for homes sold within the 96051 zip code during 2017 was $161. This represents an increase of almost 10% from the average price per square foot recorded during 2016.

The primary drivers behind this significant increase in home values are likely attributable to several factors: low interest rates (which make borrowing money more affordable), strong economic growth throughout much of North America (which has led to increased demand for housing), and limited supply (due to stringent zoning regulations and limited land availability). In addition, Lakehead is located within a desirable area – which has helped to drive up prices even further.

While there are certainly some risks associated with buying or selling a home – such as potential financial difficulties if interest rates rise or if the market crashes – overall, homeownership remains one of the most important investments that an individual can make. Home equity provides individuals with access to valuable resources (such as savings accounts and retirement funds), provides stability and security during difficult times (in case of job loss or illness), and can provide opportunities for personal growth (through refinancing or investing). In short, homeownership is a key component of many people's lives – and it is clear that prices in Lakehead have continued to rise significantly over recent years due to strong demand from buyers and limited supply on available properties.

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