Zip Code:

96088, Shingletown, CA

96088 is a California Zip code within the city of Shingletown and the county of Shasta County. Its population is roughly 4,690.

The Real Estate Market in the 96088 Zip Code of Shingletown, CA

The 96088 zip code of Shingletown, CA has a median home value of $269,000 and a median home equity value of $143,000. The 96088 zip code is located in the Central Valley region of California and has a population of about 10,000.

The average household income in the 96088 zip code is $79,500 and the unemployment rate is about 5%. The percentage of households that own their homes outright is about 60% and the percentage that owns their homes with a mortgage is about 40%. About one-third of households in the 96088 zip code have children under 18 living with them.

There are several factors that contribute to the high home values in the 96088 zip code. First, Shingletown is located in one of California's most desirable regions. Second, there are relatively few housing developments in this area which means that there are limited opportunities for buyers to purchase lower-priced homes. Third, there has been an increase in demand for housing due to increasing wages and low interest rates. Fourth, homeownership rates have remained relatively stable over the past few years which has helped to drive up prices. Fifth, homeowners have been able to use their home equity loans to improve their property values by making improvements such as adding new roofs or windows or by refinancing their mortgages into higher-rate loans.

Price Index: Redding, CA

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