Zip Code:

96094, Weed, CA

96094 is a California Zip code within the city of Weed and the county of Siskiyou. Its population is roughly 6,611.

The Real Estate Market in the 96094 Zip Code of Weed, CA

The 96094 zip code of Weed, California has a median home value of $236,000. The home equity in this zip code is $128,000. This means that the average homeowner in this zip code has over 50% of their home equity invested in their home.

Weed is a small town located in the Central Valley of California. The population of Weed was just over 10,000 as of the 2010 census. The median age in Weed is 36 years old and there are a total of 2,848 households in the zip code.

The average household size in Weed is 2.5 people and the median income for a household in the 96094 zip code is $50,417. Approximately 68% of households in this zipcode have children under 18 living with them and 31% have children under 5 living with them.

The majority (81%)of homes in the 96094 zip code are owner-occupied while 19% are occupied by renters. Homeownership rates are higher than rental rates throughout most of California but they are particularly high here due to low housing prices relative to incomes.

Home prices have been on a steady decline since 2007 but they have recently begun to recover somewhat after falling for much longer than most other areas throughout California during the Great Recession (2008-2012). In fact, according to Zillow’s recent report on statewide housing trends, weed had one of the fastest recoveries from the recession among all U.S. cities with populations greater than 100,000 residents!

In spite of these recent signs of recovery however, it's important to keep things perspective when looking at home values and equity within any given area or city - even those that appear to be doing well overall like weed! There's always potential for future price declines if interest rates continue to rise or if another economic downturn hits - so it's important not only to monitor current market conditions but also anticipate potential risks so you can make informed decisions about your investments!

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