Zip Code:

96104, Cedarville, CA

96104 is a California Zip code within the city of Cedarville and the county of Modoc. Its population is roughly 842.

The Real Estate Market in the 96104 Zip Code of Cedarville, CA

Cedarville, CA is located in the 96104 zip code. The 96104 zip code has a population of approximately 9,000 people. The median household income in the 96104 zip code is $87,500. The median home value in the 96104 zip code is $225,000.

The home equity and home prices in the Cedarville, CA area are very high compared to other areas of the country. In fact, according to Zillow’s Home Value Index for ZIP Codes within 25 miles of Cedarville (96104), the median home value is more than three times as high as the national median home value ($177,700). Additionally, according to Trulia’s Home Values by Neighborhood report for ZIP Codes within 25 miles of Cedarville (96104), the average home value in this area is more than six times as high as the average home value nationwide ($127,800).

One reason why homes in this area are so expensive is that there are relatively few homes available for sale. According to data from January 2019*, there were only 116 active listings in the Cedarville area compared to an average of 1,868 listings nationwide*. This limited supply of homes has led to increased demand and higher prices for homes in this area.

Another reason why homes in this area are so expensive is that there are relatively few homeowners who are not paying their mortgage on time or who have delinquent mortgages*. According to RealtyTrac’s latest Home Mortgage Lending Data report*, approximately 5% of homeowners living in ZIP Code 96104 (including Cedarville) were 90 days or more past due on their mortgage at some point during 2018* (*data reflects calendar year 2018). This high level of delinquency can lead to decreased property values and reduced access to creditworthy buyers.*

Despite these factors contributing to high prices and low availability of homes near Cedarville, it appears that demand remains strong and prices continue to rise.* As a result, it may be difficult for buyers who want to purchase a home near Cedarville soon* (*Zillow predicts that housing market conditions will gradually improve over next three years). However, if you're looking for a place where you can afford a large house with plenty of space* (*according to Trulia's report cited above: an average house size within 25 miles of Cedarville is 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms), then you may be able *to find what you're looking for near Cedarville.*

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