Zip Code:

96109, Doyle, CA

96109 is a California Zip code within the city of Doyle and the county of Lassen County. Its population is roughly 812.

The Real Estate Market in the 96109 Zip Code of Doyle, CA

The 96109 zip code of Doyle, CA has a median home value of $269,000 and a median home equity value of $128,000. These values are significantly higher than the California statewide median home value of $177,500 and the national median home equity value of $142,700. The Doyle area has seen strong growth in both home values and home equity over the past several years.

One reason for this growth is that the Doyle area is located in one of the most desirable parts of California. The 96109 zip code includes many affluent neighborhoods such as Pacific Palisades, Bel-Air Estates, and Brentwood Country Club. Additionally, many new homes have been built in this area over the past few years which has helped to increase demand for property in this area.

Another factor contributing to Doyle's high home values is its low unemployment rate. The unemployment rate in the 96109 zip code is only 3%, which is much lower than the statewide unemployment rate of 5% and the national unemployment rate of 6%. This low unemployment rate makes it easier for people to find jobs and afford a house in this area.

Despite these factors contributing to Doyle's high home values, there are some risks associated with buying a house in this area. One risk is that interest rates could rise over time which would make it more difficult for people to afford their mortgage payments. Another risk is that prices could decrease due to economic conditions outside of Doyle or due to other factors within Doyle itself (such as crime rates). However, overall it appears that homeownership opportunities are still very strong in the 96109 zip code and prices should continue to rise over time unless there are significant changes in either interest rates or market conditions outside of Doyle itself

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