Zip Code:

96112, Fort Bidwell, CA

96112 is a California Zip code within the city of Fort Bidwell and the county of Modoc. Its population is roughly 224.

The Real Estate Market in the 96112 Zip Code of Fort Bidwell, CA.

The Fort Bidwell, CA 96112 zip code has a median home value of $236,000 and a median home equity of $122,000. The Fort Bidwell area has seen an increase in home values over the past five years, with prices increasing by an average of 7.5%. The majority of homes in the Fort Bidwell zip code are owner-occupied and have been for the past five years. There is a low percentage of vacant homes in this area which may be indicative of strong demand for housing.

The average commute to work in the Fort Bidwell zip code is 26 minutes. The unemployment rate in the Fort Bidwell area is 2%, which is lower than the national unemployment rate of 4%. This indicates that there are many jobs available in the area and that people are able to find employment. In addition, there is a high percentage (93%) of residents who have at least some college education which indicates that there are many opportunities available for those who want them.

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