Zip Code:

96113, Herlong, CA

96113 is a California Zip code within the city of Herlong and the county of Lassen County. Its population is roughly 1,925.

The Real Estate Market in Herlong, CA

The 96113 zip code of Herlong, CA has a median home value of $215,000. The city has a population of just over 2,000 people and is located in the San Bernardino County area. Home values in this zip code have increased by an average of 7% annually over the past five years. This rate of growth is much higher than the national average, which has seen an annual increase of only 3%.

One reason for this high rate of home value growth in the 96113 zip code may be due to its close proximity to major metropolitan areas such as Los Angeles and San Diego. Additionally, Herlong is located within a desirable area that features plenty of amenities such as golf courses and schools.

Despite these positive factors, there are some potential risks associated with buying or owning a home in the 96113 zip code. For example, there may be limited inventory available in this area which could lead to increased prices and longer wait times for buyers. Additionally, Herlong is located within a region that has been affected by recent natural disasters such as the 2017 Northridge earthquake and 2017 Woolsey fire. These events could lead to decreased demand for homes and reduced values overall.

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