Zip Code:
97005 is a Oregon Zip code within the city of Beaverton and the county of Washington County. Its population is roughly 26,329.
The Beaverton, Oregon zip code 97005 has a population of around 164,000 people and is home to a number of high-quality homes. Home values in this area have been on the rise for the past few years, and there are now many homeowners who are enjoying significant equity in their homes.
One reason for the increase in home values is that there is a large supply of homes available in this area. In addition, many homeowners have taken advantage of low interest rates to refinance their mortgages and have increased their equity levels by investing additional money into their homes.
Another factor contributing to the increase in home values is that Beaverton has been experiencing strong economic growth over the past few years. This has led to an increase in jobs and wages, which has helped to drive up demand for housing units.
Overall, homeownership rates in Beaverton are high compared to other areas of the country, and there is evidence that this trend will continue over the next few years. If you are looking for a location that offers good value for your money, then you should consider purchasing a home in Beaverton.
Price Index: Portland-Vancouver-Hillsboro, OR-WA
Zipcode | Population | Density | Timezone | Latitude | Longitude | City | County | State |
97225 | 26,095 | 1,529.8 | America/Los_Angeles | 45.50218 | -122.77008 | Portland | Washington County | Oregon |