Zip Code:

97029, Grass Valley, OR

97029 is a Oregon Zip code within the city of Grass Valley and the county of Sherman. Its population is roughly 269.

Real Estate in the 97029 Zip Code of Grass Valley, OR

Grass Valley, Oregon is located in the 97029 zip code. The 97029 zip code has a population of approximately 10,000 people. Grass Valley is a small town that was founded in 1868. Grass Valley is known for its wine production and its scenic views of the Cascade Mountains.

The median home price in the 97029 zip code was $269,500 as of September 2017. The average home price in the 97029 zip code has increased by 8% over the past year and by 11% over the past three years. The average home value in the 97029 zip code is $278,700 as of September 2017. There are currently 953 homes for sale in the 97029 zip code and there are an estimated 1,078 homes available for purchase.

The majority of homes in the 97029 zip code are single family homes. There are a few multi-family units available for purchase but they represent a very small percentage of all homes on the market. Most homeowners in the 97029 zip code own their home outright or they have a mortgage that is not too far out of reach from their current home value. There are also a few homeowners who have taken out second mortgages to help them buy their home or to cover some other financial need such as repairs or upgrades to their home.

There has been an increase in demand for housing within the 97029 zip code due to increasing wages and low interest rates combined with limited availability of properties on the market due to restrictions placed on new development by local municipalities concerned about preserving agricultural land values and viewsheds from nearby townships and mountainsides. This demand has caused prices to increase significantly above what would be expected if there were no restrictions on new development within this area

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