Zip Code:

97321, Albany, OR

97321 is a Oregon Zip code within the city of Albany and the county of Linn County. Its population is roughly 26,995.

The Real Estate Market in the 97321 Zip Code of Albany, Oregon

There is no one answer to the question of whether home equity or home prices are more important to a person's overall financial security. For some, having a large sum of money available to them in the form of home equity may be more important than having high home prices. Other people may place a higher value on owning a home that is worth a lot of money.

In Albany, OR, the average home price was $269,000 as of September 2017. This is up from $236,000 in September 2016 and $224,000 in September 2015. The median price for homes in this zip code was $239,500 as of September 2017. This means that half of all homes in this zip code were priced at or above this amount and half were priced below this amount.

Home equity is important because it can provide people with access to money that they might not have otherwise had access to. It can also help people pay off debts or save for future goals. Home prices are also important because they can indicate how much demand there is for properties in a given area. If there are lots of people want to buy homes in an area, then the prices for those homes will be high. If there are few people interested in buying homes in an area, then the prices for those homes will be lower

Price Index: Albany-Lebanon, OR

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