Zip Code:

97504, Medford, OR

97504 is a Oregon Zip code within the city of Medford and the county of Jackson County. Its population is roughly 47,947.

The Real Estate Market in Medford, Oregon

Medford, OR is a city located in the Willamette Valley region of Oregon. The city has a population of approximately 103,000 and is home to several universities, including the University of Oregon and Southern Oregon University. The 97504 zip code covers much of the eastern portion of Medford and includes neighborhoods such as Eagle Point, South Medford, and North Medford.

According to data from Zillow, the median home value in the 97504 zip code was $269,200 in January 2018. This represents an increase of 2% over the previous year and is well above the statewide median home value of $217,500. In addition, Zillow reports that the average list price for homes in this zip code was $296,700 in January 2018 – an increase of 3% over 2017.

Given these strong trends, it's no surprise that home equity has become one of the most important factors for residents in this area. Home equity allows residents to borrow against their homes' value (i.e., "take out a loan") and use this money to pay off other debts or expenses related to their homes. In addition, homeowners who have significant equity in their homes are more likely to stay in their homes during tough economic times – even if they are facing increased monthly payments – because they know that their home's value is still higher than what they owe on it overall.

Overall, these figures suggest that homeownership rates in Medford are high relative to other areas across Oregon and nationwide – which is likely due both to strong demand from local buyers as well as relatively low interest rates (which make borrowing against your home more affordable). As long as these trends continue (and there are no major unforeseen events), homeownership rates will likely remain high within the 97504 zip code

Price Index: Medford, OR

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