Zip Code:

97603, Klamath Falls, OR

97603 is a Oregon Zip code within the city of Klamath Falls and the county of Klamath County. Its population is roughly 29,357.

The Real Estate Market in the 97603 Zip Code of Klamath Falls, OR

Klamath Falls is located in the 97603 zip code in Klamath County, Oregon. The 97603 zip code has a population of approximately 27,000 people. Home equity and home prices in the 97603 zip code have been increasing rapidly over the past few years.

According to Zillow, the median home value in the 97603 zip code was $236,200 as of September 2017. This represents an increase of over 20% from the median home value of $197,100 as of September 2016. The average home price in the 97603 zip code has also increased rapidly over this time period, rising by almost 30% from $182,600 as of September 2016 to $236,200 as of September 2017.

The reasons for this rapid increase in home values are unclear but may include factors such as low interest rates and strong demand from buyers. It is also possible that some homeowners have been able to refinance their homes at higher rates or purchase new homes at lower prices than they would have been able to previously due to increased housing values. Whatever the reasons may be, it is clear that home equity and home prices are continuing to rise rapidly in the 97603 zip code.

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