Zip Code:

97830, Fossil, OR

97830 is a Oregon Zip code within the city of Fossil and the county of Wheeler. Its population is roughly 642.

The Real Estate Market in the 97830 Zip Code of Fossil, Oregon

The 97830 zip code of Fossil, Oregon has a population of just over 2,000 people. The median household income in this zip code is just under $50,000 and the median home value is just over $200,000. This means that the home equity and home prices in this zip code are both very high.

One reason that the home equity and home prices in this zip code are so high is because Fossil is a very desirable place to live. The city of Fossil is located in the heart of the McKenzie River Valley, which is one of the most agriculturally productive regions in Oregon. Additionally, Fossil has a strong economy based on its many small businesses and its proximity to Portland, which is one of the most economically prosperous cities in America.

So why are homes worth so much in Fossil? There are several reasons. First, there are relatively few homes for sale in this zip code compared to other areas of Oregon. Second, homes here tend to be larger than average – which means that they will typically require less money down payment than homes elsewhere. Third, homeownership rates in Fossil are high – meaning that there are a lot of people who own their homes outright rather than renting them out. Fourth, property taxes here are lower than they are elsewhere in Oregon (which helps to boost homeowner equity). Fifth, homeownership rates and property values have been increasing steadily over the past few years – meaning that there is plenty of room for prices to continue rising if buyers want them to do so.

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