Zip Code:

97918, Vale, OR

97918 is a Oregon Zip code within the city of Vale and the county of Malheur County. Its population is roughly 4,224.

Real Estate in the 97918 Zip Code of Vale, OR

Home Equity and Home Prices in the 97918 Zip Code of Vale, OR

The home equity and home prices in the 97918 zip code of Vale, OR are very high. The median home value is $527,000 and the median home equity is $269,000. This makes the 97918 zip code one of the most expensive zip codes in Oregon. Additionally, there are a lot of homes for sale in this zip code. There are currently 101 homes for sale in this zip code and there have been 102 homes for sale since January 1st. This indicates that there is a lot of demand for housing in this area.

One reason why the home values and home equity are so high in the 97918 zip code of Vale, OR is because it is located near many major cities. The nearest city to Vale is Portland which is about 25 miles away. Additionally, other nearby cities include Beaverton (about 23 miles away), Gresham (about 24 miles away), Hillsboro (about 26 miles away), Tigard (about 28 miles away), and Vancouver (about 31 miles away). These cities have a lot of amenities that people want to live close to such as shopping malls, restaurants, schools, and jobs. Therefore, it is not surprising that the home values and home equity are high in this area.

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