Zip Code:

98122, Seattle, WA

98122 is a Washington Zip code within the city of Seattle and the county of King County. Its population is roughly 39,305.

The Real Estate Market in the 98122 Zip Code of Seattle, WA

The 98122 zip code of Seattle, WA has a median home value of $364,500. This is higher than the median home value for the city as a whole ($315,000). The 98122 zip code also has a higher concentration of homes with values over $500,000 than the city as a whole.

One reason for this may be that the 98122 zip code is more affluent than the city as a whole. It has a higher percentage of households earning over $100,000 than the city as a whole (37% vs. 24%). Additionally, there are more single-family homes in the 98122 zip code (60%) than in the city as a whole (44%). These factors may contribute to why there are more homes with high values in this area.

Another factor that may contribute to high home values in this area is demand from buyers who are able to afford them. The average price of homes sold in this zip code was above asking price by 5%. This indicates that there is strong demand for properties in this area and that people are willing to pay more for them.

Price Index: Seattle-Bellevue-Kent, WA (MSAD)

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