Zip Code:

98354, Milton, WA

98354 is a Washington Zip code within the city of Milton and the county of Pierce County. Its population is roughly 7,221.

The Real Estate Market in the 98354 Zip Code of Milton, WA

The 98354 zip code of Milton, WA is located in the Seattle metropolitan area. The median home value in this zip code is $368,000. The average home value in this zip code has increased by 10% over the past year. This increase can be attributed to a number of factors including an increase in demand for housing and an increase in home prices across the region.

In terms of home equity, homeowners in the 98354 zip code have a total equity of $269,000. This is down from $291,000 last year but still represents a healthy amount of equity for homeowners in this area. Homeowners who are able to maintain their homes and add value to them over time will likely see their equity grow significantly over time.

Home prices have also been increasing rapidly across the region as a whole. The average price of homes sold in King County (which includes Milton) was $532,500 last month according to Zillow data. This is up from $495,700 last year and marks an 11% increase since January 2017! While there are some areas of the country that are seeing more rapid growth than others, it's clear that home prices are on the rise across much of Washington state and nationwide.

Price Index: Tacoma-Lakewood, WA (MSAD)

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