Zip Code:

98801, Wenatchee, WA

98801 is a Washington Zip code within the city of Wenatchee and the county of Chelan County. Its population is roughly 43,366.

The Real Estate Market in Wenatchee, Washington

The Wenatchee, WA 98801 zip code has a median home value of $226,000. This is higher than the state median home value of $197,500 and the national median home value of $177,200. The Wenatchee area has seen an increase in home values over the past five years. In 2012, the median home value was $202,000. In 2016, the median home value increased to $226,000. This trend is likely to continue as more people move into the Wenatchee area and invest in property.

One reason for this increase in home values is that Wenatchee is a growing city with plenty of amenities and opportunities. The city has a population of over 50,000 people and is located just south of Seattle on Interstate 5. There are many businesses and jobs in Wenatchee that attract people to live there. Additionally, Wenatchee has excellent schools and recreational opportunities.

Despite this growth in home values, not everyone can afford to buy a house in the Wenatchee area. There are many factors that affect how much money someone can spend on a house including their income level and credit score. Additionally, some areas within Wenatchee are more expensive than others due to its proximity to Seattle or other desirable areas within King County such as Bellevue or Redmond。

Overall, it appears that homeownership rates in the 98801 zip code are high compared to other areas within Washington State and nationwide 。 However , there is still room for growth as more people move into this area and invest in property。 It will be interesting to see how long this trend continues as prices continue to rise

Price Index: Wenatchee, WA

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