Zip Code:

98834, Methow, WA

98834 is a Washington Zip code within the city of Methow and the county of Okanogan. Its population is roughly 199.

The Real Estate Market in the 98834 Zip Code of Methow, WA.

The Methow Valley is located in the North Cascades of Washington. The valley is bordered by the Cascade Mountains to the east, and by the Okanogan and Wenatchee National Forests to the south. The valley has a population of about 10,000 people.

The Methow Valley was first settled in 1858 by Mormon pioneers who were looking for a place to farm. The valley was named after Chief Moses of the Methow tribe, who had negotiated a treaty with American settlers. The first permanent settlement in the valley was founded in 1865, and it became an agricultural center for the region. In 1892, a railroad line was built through the valley, connecting it with Seattle.

Today, agriculture remains an important part of the economy in Methow Valley, but tourism has become increasingly important as well. The town of Winthrop is located at the base of Mount Baker, one of America's most popular ski resorts. Other tourist destinations in Methow Valley include Lake Chelan National Recreation Area and Glacier National Park.

Home prices in Methow Valley have been relatively stable over recent years, despite fluctuations in other parts of Washington state. In 2016, home prices averaged $269,000 per square foot (psf), which is about average for Washington state but slightly higher than prices in neighboring Okanogan County ($265 psf). Home values have increased significantly over recent years though; from 2012 to 2016 they increased by an average of 25%. This increase can be partially attributed to increasing demand from retirees and families who are looking for affordable housing close to major tourist destinations.

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