Zip Code:

99119, Cusick, WA

99119 is a Washington Zip code within the city of Cusick and the county of Pend Oreille County. Its population is roughly 1,218.

The Real Estate Market in the 99119 Zip Code of Cusick, WA

The 99119 zip code of Cusick, WA is located in the northwestern part of the state and has a population of just over 2,000. The median home value in this zip code is $236,000 and the median home equity is $137,500. This means that approximately 57% of homes in this zip code are worth more than their original purchase price. Additionally, the average home value growth rate for this zip code over the past five years has been 6%.

One reason that homes in this zip code are so valuable is that they are located close to major metropolitan areas such as Seattle and Tacoma. Additionally, Cusick is situated near several recreational areas such as Mount Rainier National Park and Lake Chelan. Consequently, there is a high demand for housing in this area which drives up prices.

Another factor that contributes to high home values in Cusick are low unemployment rates and a strong economy. In fact, according to data from Zillow, the unemployment rate for Cusick was just 2.5% as of May 2017 which was lower than both the Washington state average (3%) and national average (4%). Consequently, there is a lot of demand for housing here which drives up prices even further.

Overall, it can be said that homes in the 99119 zip code of Cusick are very valuable due to strong economic conditions and proximity to major metropolitan areas. While prices may rise slightly from year-to-year due to market fluctuations, they remain relatively stable overall when compared to other parts of Washington state or nationwide.

Price Index: Spokane-Spokane Valley, WA

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