Zip Code:

99147, Lincoln, WA

99147 is a Washington Zip code within the city of Lincoln and the county of Lincoln. Its population is roughly 123.

The Real Estate Market in the 99147 Zip Code of Lincoln, WA

The home equity and home prices in the 99147 zip code of Lincoln, WA are very high. The median home value in this zip code is $527,000, which is more than double the national median home value of $177,500. In addition, the percentage of homes in this zip code that are worth more than $1 million is significantly higher than the national average of just over 2%.

One reason for this high level of home values in the 99147 zip code is that Lincoln has a relatively low population density compared to other parts of Washington. This allows for more expensive homes to be built and sold without having to compete with a large number of other buyers. Additionally, Lincoln has a strong economy and job market, which leads to increased demand for housing stock.

Despite these high levels of home values, there are still many opportunities available to buyers in the 99147 zip code. For example, there are a number of large suburban developments located within close proximity to Lincoln. These developments typically have lower home values than urban areas due to their lack of character and amenities but they offer plenty of space and convenience for buyers who want a suburban lifestyle without having to live in an urban area.

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