Zip Code:

99224, Spokane, WA

99224 is a Washington Zip code within the city of Spokane and the county of Spokane County. Its population is roughly 21,695.

The Spokane Real Estate Market

When people think of home equity, they typically think of the value of their home minus any outstanding mortgages or other debts. In Spokane, WA, the average home equity value is $142,000. This means that homeowners in this zip code have a total net worth of $132,000.

However, when you look at the average home price in Spokane, it’s actually much higher than the home equity value. The average price for a single-family house in Spokane is $269,500. So while homeowners in this zip code have a net worth of $132,000 on average, they actually have an actual net worth of $248,500. This means that there is still room to grow for these homeowners!

One reason why home prices are so high in Spokane is because there are a lot of homes available for sale. In fact, there were 1,871 homes available for sale as of September 2017. This means that buyers have plenty of options when it comes to finding a house that meets their needs and budget.

Overall, homeowners in the 99224 zip code are doing well financially thanks to strong home values and availability of homes for sale. If you’re looking to buy or sell a house in this area, be sure to contact one of our experienced real estate agents at The Baird Group!

Price Index: Spokane-Spokane Valley, WA

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