Zip Code:

99744, Anderson, AK

99744 is a Alaska Zip code within the city of Anderson and the county of Denali. Its population is roughly 120.

The Real Estate Market in the 99744 Zip Code of Anderson, AK

The Anderson zip code 99744 has a population of just over 10,000 people. The median household income in the zip code is just under $60,000, and the median home value is just over $200,000. In terms of home equity, Anderson residents have a lot to be proud of. The average home equity in the zip code is over $130,000. This means that Anderson residents have a considerable amount of money saved up on their homes.

One reason why Anderson residents are so proud of their home equity is because the cost of living in the area is relatively low compared to other parts of the country. For example, the average monthly rent for an apartment in Anderson is just under $1,500. This means that Anderson residents can save a lot of money by owning their own homes instead of renting them.

Another reason why Anderson homeowners are so happy with their home equity is because there are very few foreclosures or short sales in the area. This means that homeowners can feel confident about their investments and know that they will not lose all their money if something bad happens to their homes.

Overall, it appears that homeownership rates and home values in Anderson are high due to several factors: low cost of living; low number of foreclosures or short sales; and strong economy overall. While there may be some risks associated with owning a home (e.g., potential market crashes), overall it seems like Anderson residents are doing well by investing in their homes

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