
Summerland, CA

Summerland is a city in the state of california with a population of roughly 410. It is in Santa Barbara County, California the Santa Maria-Santa Barbara, CA core-based statistical areas (CBSA), Its Zip codes include 93067 .

The Changing Face of Summerland: Home Prices on the Rise

Summerland is a city located in the San Fernando Valley region of Los Angeles County, California. The population was 38,911 at the 2010 census. Summerland is bordered by the cities of Chatsworth and Tarzana to the north, Granada Hills to the east, Woodland Hills to the south and west, and Canoga Park to the northwest.

The city's name comes from its founder, Edwin C. Reeds Summerlin (1862-1936), who purchased land in 1908 for development as a resort community. The first house was built in 1909 on what is now known as Reeds Ranch Road. The first store opened in 1910 and by 1912 there were enough people living in Summerland that a post office was established. In 1915 Reeds Ranch Road became part of State Route 118 which ran through what is now Tarzana and Chatsworth before becoming Interstate 5 in 1926.

In 1927 Summerlin subdivided his ranch into lots with streets named after prominent Americans including Washington, Jefferson, Franklin and Jackson Streets which still exist today although they have been renamed several times over the years (e.g., Independence Boulevard). He also created a town square with a bandstand and fountain which still exists today as Central Park at Main Street and Orange Grove Avenue (formerly called "Reeds Plaza").

In 1928 he founded The Country Club which remains one of the city's most popular attractions today with more than 2,000 memberships sold annually. In 1929 he founded The Pacific Palisades Improvement Association to promote development of Palisades Highlands which became known as one of Hollywood's most prestigious neighborhoods during its heyday from 1930-1940 when stars such as Clark Gable, Carole Lombard and Joan Crawford lived there.

In 1936 Summerlin subdivided his ranch again creating smaller lots for individual homesites resulting in much less dense development than before making it easier for residents to get around without having to go through downtown Summerlin or drive on busy State Route 118 (now Orange Grove Boulevard). This subdivision style continued until World War II when many families moved into newly constructed homes near military bases such as Fort MacArthur or Vandenberg Air Force Base resulting in increased growth rates throughout the 1940s and 1950s until reaching its current population levels by 1970 when new housing developments began appearing further outlying areas of town such as Northridge Meadows or Westlake Village where housing prices are considerably higher than downtown Summerlin due to its limited availability compared to other areas within Los Angeles County .

The 2000s saw an increase in home prices throughout Southern California due largely to increased demand from people who were priced out of neighboring cities such as Santa Monica or Beverly Hills but this has since slowed down somewhat due mainly to stricter lending criteria imposed by banks during the financial crisis starting in 2007 but has yet to reach pre-recession levels . Despite this recent slowdown there has been an increase over recent years both in new construction activity (+24% between 2009-2013) but also existing home sales (+10% between 2009-2013) indicating that despite some market volatility overall demand for real estate remains high .

Price Index: Santa Maria-Santa Barbara, CA

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