
Perry, IL

Perry is a city in the state of illinois with a population of roughly 303. It is in Pike, Illinois Its Zip codes include 62362 .

Trends in Home Prices in Perry, IL

Perry is a small town located in Cook County, Illinois. The population was 2,890 at the 2010 census. Perry is home to many businesses and has a variety of housing options for residents. Real estate in Perry is very affordable and there are many properties available for purchase or rent.

The real estate market in Perry is stable and there are many homes available for sale or rent. The median price of a home in Perry was $128,000 in 2017. The average list price of a home in Perry was $132,000 during the same year. There are many homes available for purchase or rent in Perry and the prices vary depending on the location and size of the home.

The schools in Perry are excellent and the community is supportive. There are several churches located throughout the town which makes it easy to find friends and family. The town has a small-town feel with plenty of shopping opportunities nearby if necessary.

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