Zip Code:

62362, Perry, IL

62362 is a Illinois Zip code within the city of Perry and the county of Pike. Its population is roughly 303.

The Real Estate Market in the 62362 Zip Code of Perry, IL

Perry, IL is located in the south-central part of Illinois. The zip code 62362 has a population of approximately 21,000 people. Home equity and home prices in Perry are reflective of the overall market conditions in Illinois.

The average home price in Perry was $129,900 as of September 2017. This is lower than the statewide average home price of $157,500 and the national average home price of $217,200. The median home value in Perry was $101,600 which is also lower than the statewide median home value ($119,700) and the national median home value ($199,900). The percentage of homes that are owner-occupied is higher than both statewide (63%) and national (55%) averages.

There has been an increase in demand for homes in Perry over the past few years as more people have moved to this area due to its low cost of living and good job opportunities. There has also been an increase in inventory as many homes have not sold since 2013 due to low interest rates and a sluggish economy. As a result, prices have increased more slowly than they would if there were more available homes for sale at reasonable prices.

Despite these challenges, there are still opportunities for buyers who are prepared to invest time and money into their search for a property. It is important to consult with a real estate agent who can help you identify properties that fit your needs and budget.

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