
Rockport, IN

Rockport is a city in the state of indiana with a population of roughly 5,432. It is in Spencer, Indiana Its Zip codes include 47635 .

Rockport, Indiana: A Case Study in Home Price Trends

Rockport is a small town located in southern Indiana. The population of Rockport was just over 2,000 in the 2010 census. Rockport is known for its quaint downtown area and beautiful waterfront. The downtown area features several restaurants, a movie theater, and a few shops. The waterfront features a marina, a pier, and several parks.

Real estate in Rockport is primarily residential. There are a few commercial properties scattered throughout the town, but they are not dominant in terms of size or location. The most popular type of real estate in Rockport is single-family homes. Single-family homes range from modestly priced to quite expensive, but they are generally well maintained and within walking distance of the downtown area.

The market for real estate in Rockport has been relatively stable over the past few years. Prices have increased slightly more than average for Southern Indiana towns of similar size, but there has been little significant change overall since 2007. This stability may be due to the strong local economy and low unemployment rate in Rockport; both factors which have contributed to strong demand for housing throughout the region.

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