Zip Code:

47635, Rockport, IN

47635 is a Indiana Zip code within the city of Rockport and the county of Spencer. Its population is roughly 5,432.

The Real Estate Market in the 47635 Zip Code of Rockport, Indiana.

The Rockport, Indiana zip code 47635 has a population of approximately 5,000 people. The median household income in this zip code is $50,000 and the median home value is $135,000. The home equity and home prices in this zip code are both relatively high compared to other areas of the country.

One reason for the high home equity and home prices in this zip code is that Rockport is a desirable area to live in. The city of Rockport has a population of about 2,500 people and it is located on the banks of the Wabash River. This location makes it an attractive place to live and work. Additionally, there are many businesses located in the city that provide jobs for residents.

Another reason why the home equity and home prices in this zip code are high is because there are a lot of homes available for sale. There were 97 homes sold in this zip code during 2016 which was more than double the number of homes that were sold during 2015 (35). This indicates that there are a lot of potential buyers interested in purchasing homes in this area.

Overall, it appears that there are many reasons why the home equity and home prices in the 47635 zip code of Rockport, IN are high. The city itself is desirable as well as having a lot of available homes for sale. It will be interesting to see if these trends continue into future years or if they start to decline due to market conditions elsewhere in Indiana or nationwide

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