
Algona, IA

Algona is a city in the state of iowa with a population of roughly 6,767. It is in Kossuth, Iowa Its Zip codes include 50511 .

Trends in Home Prices in Algona, IA

The real estate market in Algona, IA is booming. With a population of just over 10,000 people, the city has seen an increase in home sales and prices over the past few years. There are a number of reasons for this boom, but one of the most important is that Algona is located in a desirable area.

The city is located just north of Des Moines and east of Iowa City. It's close to both major cities and has plenty of amenities available to residents. Algona also has a strong economy thanks to its proximity to major businesses and industries. This means that there are plenty of people who are looking for homes in the area, which drives up prices and makes it difficult for potential buyers to find something they can afford.

Despite the high demand, there are still some homes available for sale in Algona. The median price for single-family homes was $190,000 as of September 2017, which is above the state median price but below the national median price. There are also a number of condos and townhomes available for sale in Algona, with prices ranging from $130,000 to $350,000.

If you're interested in buying or selling property in Algona, be sure to contact an experienced real estate agent who can help you find what you're looking for.

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