Zip Code:
50511 is a Iowa Zip code within the city of Algona and the county of Kossuth. Its population is roughly 6,767.
The 50511 zip code of Algona, IA has a median home value of $123,000 and a median home equity value of $146,000. The average home size in the 50511 zip code is 2 bedrooms and 1 bathroom. The 50511 zip code has a population of approximately 4,500 people.
The average household income in the 50511 zip code is $60,000. The median age in the 50511 zip code is 36 years old. There are approximately 1,600 households in the 50511 zip code. Approximately 60% of households in the 50511 zip code have children under the age of 18 living with them. Approximately 30% of households in the 50511 zipcode are married couples living together, 15% are single parents with children under 18 living with them, and 5% are other family types.
Zipcode | Population | Density | Timezone | Latitude | Longitude | City | County | State |
50522 | 958 | 5.4 | America/Chicago | 43.18770 | -94.18825 | Burt | Kossuth | Iowa |
50598 | 936 | 5.3 | America/Chicago | 43.08188 | -94.41708 | Whittemore | Kossuth | Iowa |
50560 | 617 | 2.7 | America/Chicago | 42.96058 | -94.10802 | Lu Verne | Kossuth | Iowa |
50559 | 321 | 3.1 | America/Chicago | 43.20888 | -94.32922 | Lone Rock | Kossuth | Iowa |