
Clay, KY

Clay is a city in the state of kentucky with a population of roughly 2,399. It is in Webster, Kentucky Its Zip codes include 42404 .

Clay's Home Prices Continue to Rise

Real estate in Clay, KY is a popular investment for many reasons. The city has a population of over 10,000 and is located just outside of Lexington. Clay also has a number of amenities that make it an attractive place to live, including excellent schools and access to major highways.

Clay is home to several well-known companies, including Toyota Motor Manufacturing Kentucky (TMK), which employs over 2,000 people in the city. TMK is one of the largest employers in Clay and contributes significantly to the local economy.

The real estate market in Clay is stable and growing steadily. The city has a variety of housing options available, from single-family homes to apartments and condos. There are also a number of commercial properties available for sale or lease, including office buildings, retail spaces, and industrial properties.

If you are interested in investing in real estate in Clay, be sure to contact an experienced real estate agent who can help you find the right property and make sure you are getting the best deal possible.

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