Zip Code:

42404, Clay, KY

42404 is a Kentucky Zip code within the city of Clay and the county of Webster. Its population is roughly 2,399.

The Real Estate Market in Clay, Kentucky

The 42404 zip code of Clay, KY has a population of around 10,000 people and is located in the eastern part of the state. The median home value in this zip code is $128,000 which is about average for Kentucky. The 42404 zip code has a low home equity rate of around 5.5% which means that most homes in this area are not fully paid off. However, there are a few homes that have more equity than others. The percentage of homes with zero or negative equity is around 2%.

There are a few factors that can affect home prices in Clay, KY including interest rates, job security, and the economy. Over the past few years, interest rates have been relatively low which has helped to boost home values in this area. Additionally, Clay has had relatively stable job security over the past few years which has also helped to support prices. However, if there were to be any major changes in either of these areas then prices could potentially decline.

Overall, it seems that home values in Clay remain relatively stable compared to other areas across Kentucky. This may be due to a number of factors including low interest rates and stable job security. If you are looking for an area with good long-term prospects then Clay may be a good choice for you

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