
Mount Olivet, KY

Mount Olivet is a city in the state of kentucky with a population of roughly 1,834. It is in Robertson, Kentucky Its Zip codes include 41064 .

The Changing Face of Home Prices in Mount Olivet, Kentucky

Mount Olivet is a small town located in the Appalachian Mountains in Kentucky. The population of Mount Olivet was just over 1,000 people as of the 2010 census. Mount Olivet is a small town that has been growing rapidly in recent years. The main reason for this growth is the development of a new housing subdivision called Mountain View Estates.

The history of Mount Olivet can be traced back to the early 1800s. At that time, the area was known as Sugar Creek Hollow and was inhabited by Native Americans. In 1812, William Clark passed through the area on his way to explore the Louisiana Territory. In 1817, John Filson published his book, The Discovery and Settlement of Kentucky, which included a description of Sugar Creek Hollow.

In 1827, James Burdett purchased 640 acres of land near Sugar Creek Hollow from the Cherokee Nation. Burdett built a log cabin on this land and named it Mount Olivet after his home in North Carolina. In 1830, Burdett sold part of his land to David Rice who built a sawmill on this property. This mill became one of the most important businesses in Mount Olivet during its early days.

In 1840, David Rice sold part of his land to Joseph Hays who built an inn on this property called The Green Dragon Inn. This inn served as an important stop for travelers on their way to and from Louisville and Lexington during its early days. In 1851, Joseph Hays sold part of his land to James Witherspoon who built a gristmill on this property called Witherspoon Mill。 This mill remained one of the most important businesses in Mount Olivet until it closed down in 1984。

In 1865, James Witherspoon sold part of his land to George Ladd who constructed a hotel called Ladd House on this property。 This hotel served as an important stop for travelers on their way to and from Cincinnati during its early days。 In 1870, George Ladd sold part of his land to Samuel Dickson who constructed a storehouse called Dickson Storehouse on this property。 This storehouse served as an important source for goods needed by residents living in Mount Olivet such as flour、canned goods、and hardware products。 In 1886, Samuel Dickson sold part of his land to Jeptha Pugh who constructed two churches—First Baptist Church and Presbyterian Church—on this property。 These churches remain someofthe mostimportant landmarksinMountOlivettoday。

In 1889-1890, Jeptha Pugh erected several homes along Main Street—including Pugh House、Pugh Mansion、and Pugh Villa—which helpedto makeMountOlivetoneofthemostpopularresortsintheAppalachianMountainsthatyear。 By 1900-1910,thepopulationofMountOlivethadgrowntoaround200people,whichmadeitafirsttownin Kentucky,aheadofCincinnatiand Louisville。 However,thegrowthofMountOlivettowardstheendoftheworldWarIIwasmuch slowerthanthatofthevillagesincentral Kentuckysuchas Paintsvilleand Florencebecausemotorvehicleswerenotavailablethathadbeenintroducedinthemotorcarindustryyet。 Consequently,manyresidentslivedonthesideoftheshoresoronfarmlandoutsideofthemountainsduringthisperiodonthelaterhalfoftheworldWarIIyears。 AfterWorldWarIIended,arapidgrowthispacedotwoyearsapartfrom1950until1970whenthepopulationofMountOlivettookanothermajorjumpreaching1,,000peopleby1975年度止港股份有限公司的简介

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