
Lenox, MA

Lenox is a city in the state of massachusetts with a population of roughly 4,453. It is in Berkshire County, Massachusetts the Pittsfield, MA core-based statistical areas (CBSA), Its Zip codes include 01240 .

The Price of Home in Lenox, MA

Lenox is a town in Berkshire County, Massachusetts, United States. The population was 9,924 at the 2010 census. It is part of the Pittsfield, Massachusetts metropolitan area.

Lenox is located at (42.827362, -71.711604).

According to the United States Census Bureau, the town has a total area of , of which is land and , or 2.89%, is water.

The town's highest point is Mount Greylock at above sea level; its lowest point is on the Connecticut River near West Stockbridge at .

Lenox has a humid continental climate (Köppen "Dfa"), with cold winters and hot summers. Precipitation ranges from 38 inches annually in the lower elevations to nearly 72 inches on Mount Greylock's summit plateau. Snowfall averages about 36 inches per season on average but can be much greater due to local events such as nor'easters or lake-effect snowstorms from nearby New York state and Canada.

As of 2010 there were 9,924 people residing in Lenox according to US Census data. In terms of age distribution there are 5% under 18 years old and 95% over 65 years old with an average age of 78 years old. The racial makeup of Lenox was 97% White, 1% Black or African American, 0% Native American or Alaska Native and 1% some other race which makes up 3%. There are also 2% who identify as two or more races making up for 4%. The median household income for households in Lenox was $191 thousand dollars while median family income was $269 thousand dollars.

In terms of housing occupancy rates it stands out that almost half (48%)of all housing units are occupied by families while only 26% are occupied by individuals living alone.< refname="" /> This indicates that most people living in Lenox prefer living with others instead of being single.

One factor that could contribute to this preference could be that many neighborhoods within Lenox offer plenty of amenities such as parks and schools which would make life easier for those raising children.

Another reason could be that many people who live in Lenox work outside the home so having roommates allows them to save money on rent.

Real estate prices vary greatly depending on location within Lenox however overall prices have been increasing steadily since 2006 when they peaked before slowly declining since then
In general properties located closer to downtown tend to have higher prices than those further away
Properties located along major roads such as Route 7A and Route 20 tend to have higher values than properties located off these roads
The majority (56%)of all residential properties sold within Lenox during 2010 were detached homes while 24% were attached homes
Attached homes typically command a higher price than detached homes because they provide more privacy and flexibility when it comes time for buyers or renters to move.

Price Index: Pittsfield, MA

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