
Wellesley, MA

Wellesley is a city in the state of massachusetts with a population of roughly 10,855. It is in Norfolk County, Massachusetts the Boston-Cambridge-Newton, MA-NH core-based statistical areas (CBSA), and the Boston-Worcester-Providence, MA-RI-NH-CT combined statistical area (CSA).Its Zip codes include 02482 .

Wellesley's Home Prices Continue to Rise

The real estate market in Wellesley, MA is very competitive. There are a lot of homes for sale, and it can be difficult to find the right one. You need to be prepared to put in a lot of effort if you want to buy a home in Wellesley.

One thing that you should keep in mind is that the prices for homes in Wellesley are quite high. The average price of a home in Wellesley is around $1 million. However, there are some exceptions. For example, if you are looking for an older home, or one that is not in the best condition, you may be able to find one for less than $500,000.

Another thing to keep in mind is that the commute into Boston can be quite long. If you are planning on buying a home here, make sure you factor this into your decision-making process. You may want to consider living closer to Boston so that you don't have to spend so much time commuting each day.

Price Index: Boston, MA (MSAD)

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