Zip Code:

02482, Wellesley, MA

02482 is a Massachusetts Zip code within the city of Wellesley and the county of Norfolk County. Its population is roughly 10,855.

The Real Estate Market in Wellesley, MA

Wellesley, MA is a suburb of Boston located in Middlesex County. According to the 2010 US Census, the population of Wellesley was 24,822. The median household income in Wellesley was $122,527 and the median family income was $140,912. In terms of home values, the 2482 zip code had an average value of $1,049,000 in 2016.

The homeownership rate in Wellesley is approximately 73%. The percentage of households that own their homes outright is about 25%, while the percentage that owns their homes with a mortgage is about 68%. About 16% of households in the 2482 zip code are renters.

There are a number of factors that affect home prices and home equity in Wellesley. These include local market conditions (e.g., interest rates and availability of credit), regional trends (e.g., demand for housing near major cities or universities), and demographic factors (e.g., age composition and growth rates).

Price Index: Boston, MA (MSAD)

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