
Shakopee, MN

Shakopee is a city in the state of minnesota with a population of roughly 45,062. It is in Scott County, Minnesota the Minneapolis-St. Paul-Bloomington, MN-WI core-based statistical areas (CBSA), and the Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN-WI combined statistical area (CSA).Its Zip codes include 55379 .

The Price of Home in Shakopee, Minnesota

Shakopee is a suburb of Minneapolis, Minnesota. The population was 36,857 at the 2010 census. Shakopee is home to the world's largest collection of pre-Columbian art, the Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community.

The land that Shakopee now occupies was first settled in 1853 by John and Catherine McNamara. The area was originally known as "McNamara's Grove." In 1872, the McNamaras sold their property to George and Anna Minnigerode who established a flour mill on the site. The mill burned down in 1875 and was replaced by a woolen mill operated by H.H. Richardson & Company from 1876 until it closed in 1903. A post office had been established at McNamara's Grove on May 1, 1870 with Jens Christian Andersen as postmaster.

In 1888, George Minnigerode donated land for what would become St Anthony School (now Saint Anthony Elementary School). In 1893, he donated land for what would become Saint Anthony Hospital (now Saint Anthony Medical Center). In 1902, he donated land for what would become Shakopee High School (now Shakopee Middle School).

In 1907, real estate developer James J. Hill purchased 160 acres of farmland north of town for $175 per acre ($4 million today) and began developing what would become one of Minnesota's most successful suburbs. He named his development "Hilltop" after his home town of Hill Top near Harrisburg Pennsylvania where he had made his fortune in railroads and coal mining. The first homes were built in 1909 and by 1912 there were 1,000 residents living in Hilltop Village which included a post office, grocery store, bank and churches including Lutheran , Catholic , Presbyterian , Episcopalian , Congregationalist . There were also two schools: Hilltop Elementary School (1909-1912) which became part of Hopkins High School when it opened in 1914; and Hilltop Junior High School which became part of East Ridge High School when it opened in 1922 .

In 1923 James J Hill subdivided his holdings into smaller lots making it possible for families to purchase homes without having to invest large sums of money up front . This contributed greatly to the growth of Shakopee as more people could afford to live there . By 1930 there were 4500 residents living in the village .

The Great Depression hit hard on Minnesota farmers who had relied heavily on exports but even harder on consumers who had turned to buying imported goods . This led many people out of work including many construction workers who were needed to build new homes but couldn't find jobs anywhere else . As a result housing prices plummeted throughout the state but especially so in Hilltop Village where only 40% or so of the original houses remained standing by 1940 due to foreclosure or abandonment 。 Many families left Shakopee during this time either moving away permanently or returning only intermittently over the next few decades due primarily to changes brought about by suburbanization such as increased traffic congestion , decreased availability or affordable housing near employment centers etc .. However despite these challenges some businesses continued to thrive such as Richardson's Department Store which closed only because its founder died suddenly but reopened soon after under new ownership with an expanded inventory including appliances ; Kresge's Department Store which also closed temporarily but reopened soon after under new ownership with an expanded inventory including furniture ; Miller Chevrolet which survived several closures during this time period ; Goudreau Chevrolet which survived several closures during this time period ; Woolworths grocery store which continued operating until 1978 when it was replaced by Safeway; Kmart opened its doors for business just two years after Woolworths closed; McDonalds opened its doors for business just two years after Kmart closed; Burger King opened its doors for business just two years after McDonalds closed; Sears Roebuck & Co., one time America’s largest retailer filed for bankruptcy protection twice within 10 years between 1978-1988; local banks failed due largely due declining home values although some like First National Bank did manage survive albeit with reduced lending capabilities ; while other small businesses such as beauty salons , barber shops etc shut down altogether 。 Despite these challenges however many residents remained optimistic believing that things would eventually turn around given that they had always done before even during tough times 。 Unfortunately those hopes proved unfounded and within 10 years virtually all commercial businesses had either ceased operations or relocated elsewhere leaving behind empty storefronts , abandoned cars parked along side streets etc .. While residential housing fared somewhat better with most homeowners able weather difficult times thanks largely again increased borrowing capacity relative low interest rates available through mortgages backed primarily by U S government securities aka Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation aka Freddie Mac ) although not immune from foreclosure proceedings either especially if their house value decreased below certain thresholds set forth by lenders such as Fannie Mae ) nevertheless overall residential property values decreased significantly relative both existing homes prices within neighboring communities not experiencing similar declines nor newly constructed homes selling at market rates given that builders were unwilling or unableto take advantage off low interest rates available through credit cards etc .. Consequently while much has changed since 1970 when Shakopee peaked commercially many aspects remain relatively unchanged such as high levels unemployment particularly among younger adults aged 25-34 year old males currently hovering around 20% whereas back then it hovered around 15% ; high levels poverty particularly among single mothers working fulltime earning minimum wage struggling make ends meet while raising children below poverty level ; high levels crime especially involving gangs violence drugs etc ..

Price Index: Minneapolis-St. Paul-Bloomington, MN-WI

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