
Aurora, MO

Aurora is a city in the state of missouri with a population of roughly 12,590. It is in Lawrence, Missouri Its Zip codes include 65605 .

Trends in Home Prices in Aurora, Missouri

Aurora is a city located in St. Louis County, Missouri, United States. As of the 2010 census, the population was 97,812. The city is the most populous municipality in St. Louis County and the fifth most populous municipality in Missouri. Aurora is also home to Scott Air Force Base and Lambert-St. Louis International Airport which are both operated by the United States Air Force.

The first European settlement at what would become Aurora was made in 1806 by members of the Lewis and Clark Expedition who built a cabin on a small creek that flowed through present day downtown Aurora. The area around present day downtown Aurora became known as "Lotusville" after the wild lotus plants that grew in abundance along the creek. In 1871, Lotusville was incorporated as a town under the name of "East St. Louis". East St. Louis grew rapidly due to its location on Route 66 and its proximity to major railroads that transported goods into and out of Chicago and other Midwest cities. By 1930, East St. Louis had become one of America's largest cities with a population of over 200,000 people. However, by 1940 East St. Louis had been reduced to just over 50% of its original size due to repeated flooding caused by heavy rains brought about by Hurricane Dixie which struck Missouri on August 14th that year..

In 1955, voters in East St. Louis approved an initiative called "The Charter Amendment for Economic Development", which proposed creating a new city named " Aurora" adjacent to East St. Louis on land that had been donated by Anheuser-Busch InBev (now AB InBev).. The new city was intended to serve as a suburban center for workers living in surrounding rural areas who were unable to commute into downtown East Saint Louis because of traffic congestion.. Construction began on what would become Aurora in 1956 and the new city was officially incorporated on April 3rd 1957.. Due to its location adjacent to East Saint Louis and its planned status as an urban center for commuters from surrounding rural areas, Aurora experienced significant growth during its first few years of existence.. By 1960, Aurora had reached a population of 60,000 people..

Since 1957 when Aurora officially became an incorporated city there has been continuous growth within its boundaries with current estimates placing the population at 97,812 people according to 2016 Census data . Much of this growth can be attributed directly or indirectly to several factors including: increased employment opportunities associated with Scott Air Force Base; increased investment within Lambert-St.-Louis International Airport; continued development within Downtown Aurora; and increased migration from nearby rural areas into metropolitan areas such as Saint Charles County , Illinois , Warren County , Kentucky , Franklin County , Ohio , etc...

Despite these positive trends however there have also been some challenges faced by residents within Auroras boundaries including: increasing crime rates; inadequate infrastructure such as inadequate schools; lack of affordable housing ; etc... Despite these challenges however residents have remained resilient through initiatives such as community organizing ; working together towards common goals ; etc... Despite these ongoing challenges however it is clear that residents within Auroras boundaries are committed towards making their community better while continuing to grow economically and socially .

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