
Lordsburg, NM

Lordsburg is a city in the state of new-mexico with a population of roughly 3,350. It is in Hidalgo, New Mexico Its Zip codes include 88045 .

The Price of Home in Lordsburg, NM

Lordsburg is a small town located in the southern part of the state of New Mexico. The population was just over 2,000 people in 2010. Lordsburg is known for its beautiful scenery and its close proximity to several national parks. The town is also home to several businesses that provide services to the local community and tourists visiting the area.

Real estate in Lordsburg is primarily made up of single-family homes and apartments. There are a few commercial properties available, but they are not as prevalent as residential properties. The average price for a single-family home in Lordsburg was $127,000 in 2016, while the average price for an apartment was $92,000.

The most popular type of real estate in Lordsburg is single-family homes. This is likely due to the fact that these homes offer a great deal of privacy and plenty of space for families to live comfortably. Additionally, many people choose to live in Lordsburg because it's close enough to major cities but still has plenty of nature surrounding it.

One downside to living in Lordsburg is that it can be difficult to find good jobs if you don't have experience working with computers or other technology-related fields. However, there are plenty of other opportunities available if you're willing to look for them. Overall, real estate in Lordsburg remains relatively stable compared to other areas across the country, which means that buying or selling a property should not be too difficult or expensive

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