
Little Genesee, NY

Little Genesee is a city in the state of new-york with a population of roughly 629. It is in Allegany, New York Its Zip codes include 14754 .

Trends in Home Prices in Little Genesee, NY

Real estate in Little Genesee, NY is a hot commodity. The area has seen an influx of families and retirees looking for affordable housing. There are also many businesses and professionals located in the area, which has helped to drive up demand for property.

The median price of a home in Little Genesee was $158,000 in 2017. This is lower than the statewide median price of $269,000 but still represents a healthy return on investment. The majority of homes available for sale are single-family residences, but there are also some townhouses and condos available for purchase as well.

The average commute time to work is about 26 minutes, which is below the statewide average of 31 minutes. This makes Little Genesee an ideal place to live if you're looking for a short commute to your job or school.

There are several schools located in the vicinity of Little Genesee, including Stony Brook University and SUNY Oswego. Both schools have large student populations that can be difficult to accommodate with a long commute. However, there are plenty of other options available if you need to send your children to school outside of the area.

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