
Piseco, NY

Piseco is a city in the state of new-york with a population of roughly 146. It is in Hamilton, New York Its Zip codes include 12139 .

Trends in Home Prices in Piseco, NY

Piseco is a small town located in the Catskill Mountains of New York. The population is just over 1,000 people and the median household income is just over $60,000. Piseco has a very small town feel with a lot of character. The main street is lined with small businesses and there are plenty of parks and trails for residents to enjoy.

Real estate in Piseco is very affordable compared to other areas of New York. The average home price is just under $100,000 and there are plenty of properties available for sale. The area has been experiencing steady growth in recent years and there are now several new homes being built each year.

The real estate market in Piseco is stable and there have been no major fluctuations over the past few years. This makes it an ideal place to buy or sell a home. There are also a number of real estate agents who are knowledgeable about the area and can help you find the perfect property for your needs.

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