Zip Code:

12139, Piseco, NY

12139 is a New York Zip code within the city of Piseco and the county of Hamilton. Its population is roughly 146.

The Real Estate Market in the 12139 Zip Code of Piseco, New York

The 12139 zip code of Piseco, NY is located in the eastern part of the town of Piseco and has a population of about 2,000. Home prices in this zip code have increased by an average of 9.5% over the past year, making it one of the most rapidly growing areas in New York State.

The primary driver behind this increase is likely due to strong demand from local residents and recent immigrants who are looking for stable housing values and access to good schools. In addition, many new construction projects are underway in this area which will only add to demand over time.

Overall, home equity and home prices in the 12139 zip code are very high relative to other areas of New York State. However, given its rapid growth rate and strong demand from local residents, it is likely that home prices will continue to rise in this area for some time to come.

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