
Marble, NC

Marble is a city in the state of north-carolina with a population of roughly 2,863. It is in Cherokee, North Carolina Its Zip codes include 28905 .

Marble's Changing Home Prices

Marble is a small town located in Caldwell County, North Carolina. The population of Marble was 1,811 as of the 2010 census. Marble is home to several businesses and attractions, including the Marble Speedway and the Marble Historic District.

Real estate in Marble is typically priced around $100 per square foot. There are a few homes for sale in the town, but most properties are rentals or vacation homes. The average commute to work is around 20 minutes.

The economy of Marble is largely based on tourism and small businesses. The town has a number of restaurants and shops that cater to tourists, as well as a few hotels that offer lodging for visitors. There are also a number of jobs available in the area, including positions at the marble speedway and at local businesses such as Walmart and Lowe's.

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