
Grove, OK

Grove is a city in the state of oklahoma with a population of roughly 15,437. It is in Delaware, Oklahoma Its Zip codes include 74344 .

The Price of Home in Grove, Oklahoma

Grove, Oklahoma is a small town located in the northeastern corner of the state. The population was just over 1,000 in 2010 and has been slowly declining since then. Grove is known for its agricultural production and its location near several natural resources. The town's economy has been hurt by the decline of the oil industry and by the fact that it is not close to any large cities.

Real estate in Grove is dominated by single-family homes. There are a few small apartment complexes, but most of the housing stock is single-family homes. The median price for a home in Grove was just over $100,000 in 2016. There are a few newer developments underway, but most of the housing stock dates back to the 1950s or 1960s.

The schools in Grove are generally good and there are several private schools available as well as public schools. The crime rate in Grove is low compared to many other towns of similar size and there have been no major incidents reported recently.

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