Zip Code:

74344, Grove, OK

74344 is a Oklahoma Zip code within the city of Grove and the county of Delaware. Its population is roughly 15,437.

Real Estate in the Grove, OK 74344 Zip Code

The Grove, OK 74344 zip code has a median home value of $101,000 and a median home equity of $83,000. The Grove, OK 74344 zip code is located in Tulsa County and has a population of approximately 10,000.

There are several factors that affect the home equity and home prices in the Grove, OK 74344 zip code. These include the local economy, interest rates, housing supply and demand, and demographics.

The local economy is important because it affects both the demand for homes and the prices that homes can sell for. When there is an increase in jobs or businesses in the area, there is more demand for homes and thus higher home equity values. Conversely, when there are decreases in the local economy or when businesses close down, there is less demand for homes and lower home equity values.

Interest rates also play a role in affecting both home equity values and home prices. When interest rates are high (above 6%), it makes it more difficult for people to borrow money to buy a house outright or to refinance their existing mortgage. This means that people are likely to purchase smaller houses or condos instead of larger ones (which would have higher home equity values). Conversely, when interest rates are low (below 3%), it becomes easier for people to borrow money so they can buy larger houses or condos (which would have lower home equity values).

Housing supply and demand also play an important role in affecting both home equity values and home prices. When there is an increased demand for homes (due to rising incomes or an influx of new residents), this increases the number of homes available on the market which lowershome Equity Values while increasing Home Prices . Conversely , when there is decreased demand for homes (due to falling incomes or a decrease in population), this reducesthe numberof homesavailable onthe market which raisesHome Equity Values while reducing Home Prices

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